Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Day Seven: Chimps are insane!

This is a post in real-time. I am watching Discovery Channel--one of my favorite channels to have on when I have to multi-task. I'm watching Rogue Nature. They have just completed an hour explaining how Chimpanzees are to quote: "The most dangerous creatures out there!" Apparently, they are aggressive, prone to attack, and intent on mutilation. They have razor-sharp fingernails that they use to "strip" flesh from their victims and teeth that will take a number of fingers off at one chomp. Can I say that this was more information than I needed to know and probably more than you wanted to know. So, our question of the day:

What has been your scariest encounter with an animal?

I was once attacked my an uncle's pet chihuahua just as I was waking up. My family was visiting relatives in Illinois, and as the youngest, I had to sleep on a mattress on the floor. During the night, my uncle's chihuahua Petie decided that I was a warm roommate and went to sleep next to me. Had I known, I would have been petrified because Petie had bitten me on numerous situations. The next morning, my mother attempted to wake me. Petie became territorial, jumped up on my back and started snarling and yapping at my mother. Of course, having been in deep sleep and unaware of my bedmate, I found myself paralyzed with fear, thinking the beast was going to scalp me for sure. My aunt had to talk him off of me, and I didn't get much sleep that entire vacation. I also developed an intense dislike of diminutive dogs of Mexican heritage.

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